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This hour and a half program will invite families to explore the museum with activities at a variety of age levels around our monthly theme/topic. We will have time as a large group for an introduction and then families will be welcome to explore the theme stations and the museum on their own. Stations will […]
Coffee with Classmates Join the Lakeshore Museum Center to reminisce with materials from our collections and archives for each school. Drop in on your school’s date below for coffee, snacks, and memories with classmates. You are also welcome to bring your own yearbooks and photos to share. Dates: February 12th: Mona Shores February 21st: Reeths-Puffer […]
You are invited to join a special Play and Learn program at the Muskegon Museum of History and Science on the second and fourth Thursday of each month, except November & December which will be the 2nd Thursdays only. “Little Learners” is a free literacy-based program for Muskegon County infants and toddlers ages 0-4. During […]
This year the Muskegon Heritage Museum of Business and Industry will again be hosting a Spring Speaker Series. We will be looking at an exhibit in process about Black-Owned Media, and we will also be looking at a little-known WWII salvage material. Both evenings are free to the public, but reservations are requested and light […]
Coffee with Classmates Join the Lakeshore Museum Center to reminisce with materials from our collections and archives for each school. Drop in on your school’s date below for coffee, snacks, and memories with classmates. You are also welcome to bring your own yearbooks and photos to share. Dates: February 12th: Mona Shores February 21st: Reeths-Puffer […]
You are invited to join a special Play and Learn program at the Muskegon Museum of History and Science on the third Saturday of October, November, January, February, March, April & May. October 19November 16January 18February 15March 15April 19May 17 Little Learners is a free literacy-based program for Muskegon County infants and toddlers ages 0-4. […]
How does a magnet work? Why does it push and pull? Stop by the museum for answers and try some hands-on learning with magnets. Free for members and Muskegon county residents, $5 for out-of-county.