Bloodsuckers are invading!
Explore the science of what’s biting you! Examine the what, why, when, and how of mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, leeches, and other parasites. Feel for heat—bloodsuckers need a hot meal! Locate CO2 in your breath that attracts mosquitoes. Find a vein in an arm, and match suckers by their mouth parts. Play the itchy TwITCHer Game! Learn why bloodsuckers are important to the ecosystem—and how to keep them out of YOUR system. Creepy good fun!
The cost to see this exhibit is included with the price of admission, which is free for museum members and Muskegon County residents and is $5 for out-of-county visitors.
Attack of the Bloodsuckers was produced by the Environmental Exhibit Collaborative and is toured in partnership with the Sciencenter. Funding is provided by Jane’s Trust, the Cabot Family Charitable Trust, and IMLS.