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You are invited to join a special Play and Learn program at the Muskegon Museum of History and Science on the second and fourth Thursday of each month, except November & December which will be the 2nd Thursdays only. “Little Learners” is a free literacy-based program for Muskegon County infants and toddlers ages 0-4. During […]
This night is going to rock as we focus on rocks and minerals. Join us to learn about the different types of rocks, learn about the rock cycle using candy, examine some rocks under black light to see what secrets they reveal, and see some of the museum's rock and mineral collections. This event is […]
Join us for the Hackley & Hume Flashlight Tour! Experience these historic homes in a whole new light on a 60-minute interactive adventure. With flashlights in hand, you and your group will explore the hidden corners of the Hackley and Hume Houses, uncovering their beauty, intrigue, and the fascinating stories of the lives-and deaths-of those […]